About us
The May family have farmed at Coombe since the early 1900's. The farm now totals 120 acres all of which are owned.
We are situated in mid Cornwall bordering Lanhydrock. We are a mixed farm, being totally self-sufficient using a fairly extensive system. In 1998 we gave up milk production to concentrate on a suckler herd of Angus and South Devon’s.
The Poll Dorset flock was established in the late 1960’s by purchasing ewe lambs from two now dispersed Cornish flocks. No other females have been brought into the flock since. We became registered in 1973. As well as keeping our own records the flock has been M L C recorded for over 40 years.
We were members of the National Scrapie Plan, and are M.V. accredited. The majority of the ewes lamb in September/October, with the remainder lambing in February/March. Our aim is 150% lambs reared, including the ewe lambs that are all put to ram in their first year. The autumn lambs are reared on grass until December when they are put onto kale/rape/stubble turnips. They are then weaned soon after. The ram lambs are supplemented with home-grown cereals and the surplus is sold from February onwards through Cornwall Quality Livestock Producers (C.Q.L.P.) of which we are members. The spring lambs are reared entirely on grass.
Our recording has enabled us to retain the traditional traits of the breed as well as improving the genetic performance. As a hobby we also breed and show poultry. This interest has also been passed down through 3 generations.
We keep Large Gold, Blue and Buff Laced Wyandottes, Large Gold Spangled Hamburghs, Gold and Silver Pencilled Hamburgh Bantams and Fawn Indian Runner Ducks. We try to attend as many shows as we can, 2 of the main ones being the National at Telford and Federation at Stafford.
Buff Laced Wyandottes | South Devon cow and calf |
View over Lanhydrock | Ewes |
Ewes | Fawn Indian Runner Ducks |